
Fighting Coronavirus | International Alumni Lending a Hand

PKU PekingUniversity 2020-03-04


As the outbreak of novel coronavirus in China has given cause for worldwide concern, international alumni from Peking University have been doing their part to help.


Raz Gal-Or, an Israeli alumnus from the School of International Studies, is one of them. While studying at Peking University, Raz, together with other PKU students, founded an online video program trying to help Chinese audiences understand the younger generation of foreigners in China. Lately, he has been working with his group to help procure medical supplies for use in the fight against the novel coronavirus in Hubei.

点击边框调出视频工具条_ https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?width=500&height=375&auto=0&vid=v30584i7hxr  _

The video shows their efforts over the first 24 hours.


In the beginning, Raz tries to find supplies at a nearby pharmacy in Tel Aviv, but they only have a couple thousand medical masks in stock. 


Finding it necessary to involve large-scale medical institutions, they manage to get touch with board members of China-Israel Chamber of Commerce.


With their support, Raz's group obtained a donation of over 100,000 face masks, 50,000 pairs of medical gloves and 2,000 surgical coats within 24 hours.

Unfortunately, things weren't quite so easy. In the next video, they record the tough process of transferring the medical equipment collected from cities around Israel to China.

点击边框调出视频工具条_ https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?width=500&height=375&auto=0&vid=n3060qp6ple  _

They made endless phone-calls to confirm all the documentation, customs, transportation details while, at the same time, another group based in China decided which hospital would receive the equipment.

WHO's declaration of a public health emergency also introduced new uncertainties, as more and more airlines were canceled because of the outbreak.

Fortunately, with cooperation from both sides, over a ton of medical supplies were finally transferred to China. At 14:02, Feb. 9, according to a post of Raz's group, the medical supplies they collected were received by Huanggang Central Hospital.

"We got your back", Raz Gal-Or, with his friend, announced to the audience at the end of the second video.


Fighting Coronavirus | International Alumnus Lending a Hand

Writer: Lucelia

Editor: Amanda Hu, Trevor

Photo: @歪果仁研究协会 YChina

Video: @歪果仁研究协会 YChina

Designer: Lucelia

